Robert Samiljan Maui Gyrotonic Training Video


Bob Samiljan, Maui GYROTONIC® Video Testimonial

Bob’s Kihei Studio, Maui GYROTONIC® Training featuring teacher Robert Samiljan.
Testimonial by long-time student and dancer Kathy.

“I’ve known Bob for like 4 years. I started doing gyrotonic when i was 19. I became a professional dancer when i was 16. I knew there was something missing for me in Pilates. Gyrotonic is very popular among dancers.

I just love the circularity of it. It’s not easy, but it’s not easy because you’re working muscles that tend to get neglected in other practices because there are all these different planes of movement that you’re working in instead of front and back or side to side. You’re doing circles.

For me it’s like not only a workout but you feel like you’ve had a massage after the practice.
When you gain proficiency in one area there’s always another place to go which keeps it
both interesting but also challenging. That’s what i love about Bob Maui Gyrotonic Personal Training.”

“I Feel Great After Working Out With Bob. I Love Gyrotonic!”

Kathy’s Kihei Wailea Yoga, Hawaii

“Gyrotonic Training Method is life changing. Period. As a teenage springboard diver turned sky-diving fanatic, all the while free-style dancing in clubs, I never imagined being bereft of my natural agility, flexibility & balance – never ever stepped into a gym, never needed to – the folly of youth.

Now in my late 40’s, the last 10 years sitting in a chair, driving a mouse has not only caused tremendous weight-gain, the loss of all that physicality, and exacerbated the decline of my thoroughly abused body with severe spinal & other myriad orthopedic issues.

I’ve been training in both Gyrotonic & Gyrokinesis almost two years, with a ways to go, I still cannot express thoroughly enough, how amazing this system is. It’s given me back the sense of my body, and is slowly but surely bringing me back to a physical and mental state I once took for granted, and unknowingly lost.”

TS Yong