The Gyrotonic method is a fusion of yoga, ballet, tai chi, gymnastics and swimming. It works independent muscle groups in an integrated way to increase flexibility and coordination and help build strength.

Similar to how Pilates focuses on the core and breathwork, Gyrotonic exercise also corrects dysfunctional patterns of the muscular and skeletal systems while promoting energy flow throughout the body. This is good news for athletes, those with chronic pain and those going through post-injury rehabilitation.

Gyrotonic workouts also benefit those dealing with the aches and pains caused by the stressful, repetitive movements we do every day.

The beauty of Gyrotonic exercise is that it can be customized to meet the needs of each individual.

Whether you’re looking to improve your athletic performance, recover from an injury or just find a way to reduce stress and feel better in your body, Gyrotonic can help.

Bob has been teaching Gyrotonic on Maui for years. He’s seen firsthand the amazing transformations that can occur when people commit to a regular practice. If you’re ready to experience the benefits of Gyrotonic for yourself, contact Robert Samiljan today to schedule a session. at Bob’s North Shore Gyrotonic Training